Not knowing what is going on with our life---I didn't order any seeds for a garden. Now I know (or assume) we're gonna be here for at least the summer so I want to have at least a small vegetable garden and my herb garden. I'm thinking of doing it all in containers in case we happen to get the house, and then we can take the garden with us. I was planning on planting a bunch of tomato plants in the front yard since it gets a southern exposure there, although I was also interested in trying out some of those hanging bag tomato planters. I am just torn on whether to invest the time and energy into something when we could still possibly be moving. Of course, if we don't move I'll be upset not to have grown my own veggies. It's dizzying, being in my head these days, LOL!
I am so eager to get to my own homestead and really start working towards self-sufficiency. I'm tired of neighbors who are so close they can hear our conversations in our home when they are outside. I'm tired of the neighbor kids teasing our puppy to make her bark when I am working hard to train her not to bark at them. I'm tired of being on a busy street where I have to worry about my kids safety--not just from traffic but from the child preditors that have been out in droves lately trying to pluck young kids on their way to or from school (thank goodness mine are homeschooled!) My younger boys are 11 and almost 9 and I barely let them out of their yard---that isn't right but there is so much wrong around here that I don't feel safe letting them go further than a couple of houses from our house. We live in the suburbs, but I don't feel safe here---cars in the neighborhood are always being broke into (ours was a few years ago) lately there have been a rash of house robberies in my neighborhood. I know these things can happen anywhere, but I have this desperate need to get out of the city, into the country, where I can have some peace and possibly not have to worry as much as I do now.
I've been reading so much about chickens and goats, I am SO eager to

Well, I've whined enough for one post---this is what I am doing while we're waiting for financing:
reading anything and everything about country life
learning about solar, wind and hydro power---we are going to be off grid someday
I will plant a small, portable garden---just in case.....
I will buy local, organic produce until I can grow my own
I will experiment to learn, make a small compost pile, anything I grow will be grown totally organic
look for local farms for fresh eggs and meat
use my huge gas guzzler-van as little as possible
keep working with my kids on recycling
go through stuff in the house and freecycle all we don't need/want
We will have our own homestead someday, hopefully sooner rather than later! I'm not getting any younger, LOL!