Crafty stuff I'm doing

If you were to look back through my blog, you'd see my craft rooms throughout the years, going back to 2006 or 2007.  For many years, I was fortunate to have a huge, wonderful craft room. Scott had built me beautiful shelves and an ironing center, a large "Expedit" like cubicle shelf (from IKEA,)  and a totally awesome sewing table that not only was huge, but had tons of storage on it as well.  All of that is gone now, sadly.  When we lost our home, my beautiful shelves had to be left behind because we had no room for them in the house we were moving into---and now, living in a mobile home---I had to leave even my beautiful sewing table behind because there was no place to put it and we had no room in our storage locker for it, either.  My challenge in the last nearly 2 years we've been here is to find a place to continue crafting that doesn't take up the whole house.  When I was out in the living room, my stuff took up everything.  I did have the Winnebago as a craft space for a while, but when my son moved back home with us, he used it to sleep in and I had to move as much as I could of my craft stuff back into the house.  So, working with the space under my youngest sons' loft bed, I created a large (relatively,) functional space to work on, with some decent storage for my basic supplies for current projects. I still have a lot of fabric, yarn and supplies scattered from the house, to the Winnebago, and in some cases, in our storage locker 15 miles away, but what I have created is ideal for the space that we have.  At least for the next month or so that we are still here---*sigh*---yes, we're gonna be moving again!  Anyway, here is my craft space video, I hope you enjoy it and please, if you do give it a thumbs up and be sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel!

My name is Leslie, and I am a crafter.  I am constantly trying new things, it used to be just quilting and sewing but that has evolved into crocheting, scrapbooking, card making, journal making, bullet journaling, making charms, and expanding my inner artist, who really needs a lot of help.  So, I will be posting what I'm working on here, I'll have videos tutorials and videos of me doing and making.  I'm no expert at any one thing but I am one who needs to be creating something when I'm not busy with anything else!

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